OPERNGLAS Ausgabe Dezember 2015
Ein Highlight der diesjährigen Neuerscheinungen zum Fest. Dazu würde ich auch eine mit „Jul, jul…“ und „Nordische Weihnacht“ betitelte puristische CD der Sopranistin Lisa Tjalve zählen. Wer weiß, wie schwierig die Intonation der Harfe zu meistern ist, gerät beim Anhören dieser ausschließlich damit erfolgenden Begleitung der farbenreich und sauber intonierenden Sängerin von Titel zu Titel immer mehr ins Schwärmen und Genießen. Neben Klassikern wie dem Bach/ Gounod’schen „Ave Maria“, Grubers „Stiller Nacht“ finden sich traditionelle skandinavische Titel ebenso in dieser aparten Sammlung wie Titel der dänischen Komponisten Niels W. Gade, Carl Nielsen oder Emil Hornemann, des Russen Michail Glinka oder des Schweden Gustaf Nordqvist oder Alice Tegnér. Tjalve und ihrer musikalischen Korrespondenz, der Harfenistin Miriam Klein Strandberg, ist eine festliche CD-gelungen
Et highlight ud af de nye jule cd udgivelser er også sopranen Lisa Tjalves "Jul, Jul..."/nordisk jul. De som ved hvor svært det er at mestre harpens intonation rigtigt, kommer ved at høre cd´en og denne farverige og klart intonerende sangerinde, fra titel til titel mere og mere ind i sværmeri og nydelse! Ved siden af klasikere som "Ave Maria" og Grubers "Glade Jul" følger traditionelle skandinaviske jule sange fra komponister som danske Niels W. Gade, Carl Nielsen og Emil Hornemann, russiske Michael Glinka og svenske Gustaf Nordquist eller Alice Tegnér. Det er lykkedes Tjalve og hendes musikalske partner Miriam Klein Strandberg at lave en festlig CD.
A highlight among this year's new Christmas albums is "Jul, Jul / Nordic Christmas" by soprano Lisa Tjalve. Especially those who know the difficulties of mastering the harp's delicate intonation, will be swept along from one track to the next by the purity of the accompaniment and the colourful, pitch-perfect voice. Utterly enticing and enjoyable. Next to classics such as the Bach/Gounod "Ave Maria" and Gruber's "Silent Night," you will find traditional Scandinavian treasures by Danish composers such as Niels W. Gade, Carl Nielsen and Emil Hornemann, by Russian composer Mikhail Glinka or by Swedes Gustaf Nordquist and Alice Tegnér. Tjalve and her musical partner, harpist Miriam Klein Strandberg, have succeeded in producing a festive Christmas album.
Kölner Philharmonie streift durch die Opernromantik
Es gab hier etliche Augenblicke von schöner Lyrik, stimmlichen Wohlklang und gestalterischem Witz. Als Musterbeispiel sei die Bravour und die kokette Komik von Tjalve bei Nicolai „Nun eilt herbei“ genannt.
Kölner Stadtanzeiger
(GB) 11. Juni 2015
Die Sopranistin Lisa Tjalve bezaubert das Publikum auf dem Gendarmenmarkt bei der Classic Open Air Sommernacht mit Arien alter französischer Komponisten. Viel Applaus bekam sie für ihre Carmen von Bizet.
Berliner Zeitung BZ
(William Veder) 5. Juli 2015
Französische Sommernacht in Mitte (Classic Open Air Berlin)
Die dänische Sopranistin ist nicht nur bei weitem stimmsicherer, sie versteht das Publikum auch gleich mit kokettem Körpereinsatz und wallendem Chiffon einzuwickeln. Und den Tenor im gemeinsamen Duett aus der Reserve zu locken.
Berliner Morgenpost
(Peter Zander) 6. Juli 2015
Classic Open Air Berlin
Die Solisten, die dänische Sopranistin Lisa Tjalve und den rumänischen Tenor Remus Alazaroae spielen in der 1. Liga. Es wurde ein hörenswertes Konzert für die Sommernacht geboten.
Chexx Stadtmagasin Berlin
(Ronald Keusch) 9. Juli 2015
Eleganter Esprit und rassiges Temperament
(Konzert im Hersbrucker Schlosshof)
Sopranistin Lisa Tjalve verkörperte selbst in den höchsten Tönen ihrer Koloraturarien die Eleganz und Mühelosigkeit, die man mit der französischen Nation verbindet und in ihren temperamentvollen und schauspielerisch ausagierten Auftritten das rassige Feuer Spaniens. Ihre Arie aus George Bizets Carmen heizte nicht nur den ersten Sitzreihen ordentlich ein, sondern schien sogar Dirigent Heinz Walter Florin ins Wanken zu bringen
(Ute Scharrer) 28-07-2015
Spanisch.fransösisches Musikfeuerwerk mit Spitzen Solisten
Sopranistin mit vielen Falcetten:
Ein Glücksgriff in vieler Hinsicht war die dänische Sängerin Lisa Tjalve.
Mit ihrem glockenhellen Sopran, ihrer attraktiven Erscheinung, dem natürlichen Kontakt zum Publikum und ihrer beeindruckenden Bühnenpräsenz avancierte sie schnell zum Publikumsliebling.
Beeindruckende Koloraturen liess Lisa Tjalve noch einmal vor der Pause erklingen. Nicht nur bewunderer ihrer Gesangskunst hatte Lisa Tjalve bei einer weiteren Carmen Arie auf ihrer Seite sondern auch die Lacher: Präsentierte sie doch während ihres Vortrags das perfekte Flirt-Abc nach allen Regeln der Kunst.
(Gisa Spandler) 28-06-15
Oratorische-Oper „13 Oder til Maria“ von Heinz Walter Florin, mit Uraufführung in Roskilde Dom. „So konnte der Komponist, der Tjalves unglaubliche Wendigkeit, ihre präzise Diktion und lyrische Innigkeit, sowie ihre in allen Registern voluminöse Strahlkraft seit langem kennt, die anspruchsvolle Rolle auf sie zuschneiden und sie auch mit seinem Dirigat zu szenischer Brillanz und dramatischer Sicherheit geleiten.Tjalves Alter Ego auf der Bühne war als Erzählerin Nukaka Coster Waldau.
Beide Künstlerinnen mit ihrer jeweils starken Ausstrahlung agieren zu sehen, war eine Augenweide“.
Opernglas, December 2014
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Fornem indspilning – 5 Stjerner/Edle Einspielung – 5 Sterne
„Det er en fornøjelse at lytte til Lisa Tjalves smukke og runde sopran, som klinger klart med en præcis tekstudtale. Alban Bergs ”Sieben frühe Lieder” bevæger sig stadig i romantikken, men er under opbrud mod et sjæleligt voldsommere kaos. Denne overgang fra 1800-tallet og 1900-tallet, er det lykkedes Lisa Tjalve og hendes akkompagnatør at finde stærkt ind i. Mahler-sange er blevet tolket af mange store sangere gennem tiden, men den dybe følsomhed, som Lisa Tjalve skaber sammen med sin fine pianist Heinz Walter Florin, er noget af det mest bevægende og dybest forstående, som jeg har hørt dem sunget med. Det gælder også sangen ”Liebst du um Schönheit”, som her er ganske forførende. Samarbejdet mellem den danske sopran og den tyske pianist er følsomt præcist. Deres forståelse af denne musikkens og digtningens overgangstid er bevægende.
„Es ist ein wahres Vergnügen Lisa Tjalves schöner und runder Sopran Stimme zuzuhören, die ganz klar klingt und eine präzise Textaussprache hat. Alban Bergs "Die 7 frühe Lieder" bewegen sich immer noch in der Zeit der Romantik, aber die Musik ist im Aufbruch in ein seelisches, gewaltsameres Chaos. In diesem Übergang, zwischen 1800 und 1900, ist es Lisa Tjalve und ihrem Pianisten sehr stark gelungen, sich einzufühlen. Der Übergang zu vier von Gustav Mahlers Liedern aus "Des Knaben Wunderhorns" ist überwältigend. Gerade diese Mahler Lieder sind von vielen grossen Sängern interpretiert worden durch die Zeit, aber die tiefe Empfindsamkeit, die Lisa Tjalve mit ihrem feinsinnigen Pianisten Heinz Walter Florin herüber bringt, ist so bewegend und so verständnisvoll, wie ich es kaum gesungen gehört habe. Das betrifft hier auch besonders das Lied "Liebst du um Schönheit. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der dänischen Sopranistin Lisa Tjalve und dem deutschen Pianisten ist intensiv und präzise. Ihr Verständnis für diese Musik und die dazugehörenden Gedichte einer Übergangszeit ist bewegend“.
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Mahler Liederabend im Schleswig Holstein Festival „Kokett und charmant überzeugte die Sopranistin Lisa Tjalve unter anderem mit dem "Rheinlegendchen", "Das himmlische Leben" und "Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen Wald". Die Dänin war nicht zum ersten Mal zur Gast, und viele Besucher freuten sich auf das Wiederhören mit der Sängerin, die mit ihrer wunderbaren Stimme eine große Bandbreite an Emotionen auszudrücken versteht“.
Holsteinischer Courier, 4. August 2012 by Sabine Voiges
Berührende Neueinspielung der Lieder von Berg,
Mahler und Schoenberg
Lisa Tjalve präsentiert in ihrem neuen Lieder-Album zusammen mit dem
Pianisten Heinz Walter Florin eine farbenreiche Auswahl an Liedern aus der
Zeit der Spätromantik.
Die dänische Sopranistin Lisa Tjalve widmet sich in ihrem neuen Album (erschienen beim Label: Villa Artis 38-13001) einem sehr emotional aufwühlenden Repertoire, das allein durch den zu erkennenden Zerfall der traditionellen Harmonik den allgemein gesellschaftlichen Zusammenbruch, den der erste Weltkrieg symbolisiert,ankündigt.
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A magnificent finale of the “Darmstädter Residenzfestspiele” with Carl Orff's crowd puller Carmina Burana and the sister composition ”Orbe Rutundo” by Enjott Schneider.
Wolfgang Seeliger led the Darmstadt Concert Choir and the Beethoven Akademy Orchestra Krakau through a musical picture book. The choise of the whole ensemble was the best possible.
The soloist Lisa Tjalve sang with glowing intensity, a more beautiful ”Dulcissime” couldn´t be found. It was an evening to be remembered for a long time. The audience thanked with a storm of applause.
Echo Darmstadt, 16th of August 2013
World Premiere of Enjott Schneider's "Der Rhein"
in the Cologne Philharmonic Hall: "Das Leuchten der Loreley".
"Above all the dark tone colours presented by the Württemberg Philharmonic the crystal clear voice of the soprano Lisa Tjalve was sparkling. This she already presented before the World premiere
in touching moments - for instance in the Mendelssohn Loreley Operafragment: "Ave Maria"
A wonderful experience. Besides the extremely fervent Tjalve ...
Kölner Stadtanzeiger, 30th of July 2013 by (TZ)
”The Soloists: Nicole Mühle, absent due to illness - was replaced at the last minute by Lisa Tjalve, who prooved to be much more than a replacement. With her bell-like soprano and strong stage presence, she was very convincing in the operatic role as the ”High Queen of Heaven” from Verdis ”La Forza del Destino” as well as in ”O mio babbino caro” and when dancing during the night as ”My Fair Lady”. When Lisa Tjalve also sang the old Chinese Love Song ”Jasmin” in Chinese – learned in a few days – there was no end to the enthusiasm for this singer”. An extraordinary concert in the Philharmonia Cologne with the Deutz Choir Cologne, the conductor Heinz-Walther Florin and the soloists Lisa Tjalve and Rafael Pauß . ”The audience thanked with standing ovations”.
CHORliveONLINE, 14.06.10 by Günter Nawe
The Heilbronner Sinfonie Orchester in an Open Air summer concert in the Deutschhof Heilbronn with arias sung by Lisa Tjalve, soprano.
„Lisa Tjalve, her voice endearing and intelligently versatile, was coquettish as Norina, singing beautifully in the upper reaches of the voice with fine textural finesse; a carefree Elvira in her aria from I Puritani; believeable, with great panache, in Dostal's Clivia; brilliant in Rossini's La Danza. An enchanting soloist“.
Heilbronner Stimme – Kultur bei Würth – www.stimme.de. 28.07.09
„Opera Hits from beautiful voices. That is the hallmark of the Kleinkummerfelder Open Air Concerts. The two sang literally with golden voices accentuated by their coquettish playing with the public: a quick movement of the hips by Lisa Tjalve and then tender kisses at the end of the duet. A murmur rippled through the audience. Surely more good things will be heard from such super singers as Tjalve (soprano) and Danholt (tenor)“.
Schleswig Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag – Holsteiner Kurier, 27.07.09 by H.F.
„A splendid Mahler 8th Symphony in the Philharmonie Cologne with 500 performers – a rarity there – sung brillantly by international stars Janice Dixon, Brigitte Pinter and Lisa Tjalve“.
Kölner Wochenspiegel, 15.07.09
Glucks ”Armida” at the Comic Opera Berlin
„Lisa Tjalve as Melissa was a treat for the eyes as well as the ears. She could have twisted the men around her little finger also without the help of a whisky bottle“.
Berliner Sonntagsnachrichten - www-sonntagsnachrichten-herne.com, 26.04.09 by Pitt Hermann
„The winner of several prizes, Lisa Tjalve triumphs. Musetta's walzing aria is dazzling“.
Jyllandsposten, 14.11.08 by John Christiansen
„Lisa Tjalve, a lovable, unrestrained and coquettish Musetta, possesses great vocal strength“.
Børsen, 10.11.08 by Jakob Wivel
„Lisa Tjalve has both the voice and the looks for the role as the beautiful, flirtatious Musetta which she sings with gusto.”
Dagbladet Holstebro-Struer, 7.11.08 by Knud Jakobsen
„The Heilbronn Symphony Orchestra and ist conductor Peter Braschkat along with the up-and-coming opera singers, Lisa Tjalve (soprano) and Erwin Balakowsitsch (baritone) offered something exceptional. The Danish soprano, fascinated the audience with her radiant timbre, vocal range and brilliant, well-rounded high notes as in Zerlina's aria where she effortlessly mastered large interval jumps. The rendition of the duet, “Lippen schweigen” from Lehárs Lustige Witwe, as performed by Tjalve and Belakowsitsch, was stunningly beautiful.”
Kultur bei Wuerth, – www.stimme.de23.11.08 by Monika Köhler
“Lisa Tjalve impressed the public and former recipients with Susanna's aria, “Deh vieni, non tardar”. A high point in the operetta part of the concert was Rosalinde's “Csárdás” with its beautiful high notes sung by Lisa Tjalve.”
Rundschau Mühlacker Gemeinde-Bote/Brettener-Woche, 23.10.08
“The soprano, Lisa Tjalve, thrilled the audience at the concert in the Gottlob-Frick Saal with three arias from Mozart operas, which she sang with sensitivity and expressive vocal skill.”
Mühlacker Tagblatt online, 20.10.08 by Rudolf Wesner
„The first part of the concert program was dedicated to Gioacchino Rossini's The Barber of Seville , first performed in 1816. Three excellent singers, the Danish soprano, Lisa Tjalve, together with the Korean tenor, Dong-Soek Im, and his fellow countryman, Adam Kim, sang Rossini's opera with all its amorous confusion and intrigues to its conclusive happy end in the Kulturhaus at Schloss Grosslaupheim. What happens in The Barber of Serville? Loriot said it well: „in his opera Rossini entangles a hairdresser in a chaotic bourgeois erotic setting“. The elegant soprano, Lisa Tjalve (born in Copenhagen) has a rich middle register at her disposal. In the uppermost register, her voice remains well-rounded, warm and kaleidoscopic in color, even in the Cavatina when she is being wooed by the Count Almaviva“.
Schwäbische Zeitung online, 31.03.08
Magnificent Upbeat, The 5th Successful Production by the Alte Opera, Erfurt: "Operetta Fireworks". So that the premiere did not need to be cancelled, the soprano Lisa Tjalve travelled from Denmark on short notice just for this performance. She sang the most beautiful melodies with bravura and a great feeling for operetta: ”Mein Liebeslied muss ein Walzer sein”, ”Die Julischka aus Budapest” and ”Ich bin einen anständ'ge Frau”. Ms Tjalve is a convincing actress who used a touch of both the erotic and comic in the duet ”Ach, Josef was bist du so keusch”.
Kultur live, Erfurt – Edition Nr. 5 November/December 2007 by Angela Staub
Elbland-Festspiele Wittenberge 2007,
„Champagne Mood and Vienna Charm on the Bank of the Elbe.
This night a marvellous evening ball truly enchanted the audience. The lively stage style developed into a real operetta-show and I have seldom heard operetta melodies being sung so charming as in Wittenberge......The young Danish soprano Lisa Tjalve convinced with crystal clear coloraturas, especially in the aria “Musikanten sind da” by Franz Grothe, for which she received plenty of bravos“.
„Der Opernfreund“ & Der neue Merker, 27.07.07 by Manuela Miebach
Soprano in Black and Scarlet
„Début concert - Lisa Tjalve - The Royal Danish Academy of Music, Copenhagen
”Coloratura soprano” Lisa Tjalve called herself with confidence in the invitation to the concert - and she certainly proved to be right. 3 songs by Sibelius showed from the beginning a remarkable scenic presence and even dramatic heights to which tremoulos fine soprano nuances were added in the 6 ”Walzer Gesänge” and the 4 Sibelius songs. Fatal darkness seemed at the début to be her most immediate scenic expression. Six songs by Fernando Obradors were magnificantly presented - in a scarlet dress and black shawl - with a clear-cut sensation of pain, temperament and final tones as precise as whip cracks. Onwards it went towards the straight Bel Canto in the final number of ”La Regata Veneziana”. In ”Le Rossignol” by Delibes the soprano trilled with technical confidence in competition with the flute and delivered the silvery coloraturas as promised. ”Les filles de Cadiz” by the same composer was brilliantly sung with imaginary castanets and superior heigths. The three Rossini songs Lisa Tjalve turned into a mini drama in 3 acts and also here the coloraturas were perfectly delivered. Lisa Tjalve possesses without doubt a lyric-dramatic coloratura potential. The début showed a singer already well under way with her career“.
Politiken, 27.05.03 by Thomas Michelsen
„The performer Lisa Tjalve meets the vocal challenges of the role and delivers the tones with ease. Her voice holds a great flexibility, allowing her to expose all musical facets in depth in an emphatic performance to the delight of the audience“.
www.mittelloge.de, 08.05.03 by A.H.S.
„The Lübeck opera succeeded in Grétrys ”Zemire et Azor”. The opera excellently directed by Ludwig Planz presented admirable singing performances. The Danish coloratura soprano Lisa Tjalve made with her silvery coloraturas and fine dynamic nuances and her graceful performance Zemire to a real Belle”.
Frankfurter Allgemeine, 22.04.03 by Jürgen Kesting
The Opera at Funen plays Blicher´s "Hosekraemmeren" by Svend S. Schulz:
„...that the performance became a great success after all is due to the sky-high artistic level of the performers. Lisa Tjalve celebrates her début in her home country, with an emotional and high tension presentation of the wreathed bewildered Cecil, who responds with catastrophe to her father's attempt to force her to marry. Lisa Tjalve defends the poor girl tooth and nail. She possesses voice, appearances, technique and eagerness to play in grand style - so now we have discovered how very skilful she is. But the composer has not given her challenges enough. With her talent she must with all possible speed get on to more interesting tasks - to which we are looking forward!“
Børsen, 19.04.05 by Ulrik Cold
Attraction between beauty and abomination.
„A successful first performance of the fairytale opera ”Beauty and The Beast” by André Ernest Grétry. The expressive singers Lisa Tjalve (Zemire) and Roberto Gionfriddo (Azor) filled the title parts excellently“.
Flensburger Tageblatt, 16.04.03 by Joachym Ettel
„Thus Lisa Tjalve excelled the beast not only by grace, but also by the clearness of her coloratura soprano and the culmination of the nightingale aria“.
Lübecker Stadtzeitung, 15-04-2003 by GüZ
” The Beauty & the Beast” by André Modeste Grétry at Theater Lübeck.
„The shining star of this Rococo show was Lisa Tjalve as the Beauty.
The great aria in the 3rd act from which Donizetti stole for his ”Lucia di Lammermoor” she sang with great success. All coloraturas were correctly placed; her voice sounded clear also in the highest notes and never forced - great applause. By the end great applause and bravo first and foremost for Lisa Tjalve and for Marc Adam, for his direction“.
Lübecker Nachrichten, 13.04.03 by Jürgen Feldthof
„Theater Lübeck's production of R. Strauss' the "Rosenkavalier" aroused exultation.
Sophie, Lisa Tjalve was convincing as an erotic opponent to the Marschallin. In the last scene the three women's wonderful terzetto brought you into a state of ecstasy, if the music and staging hadn't already done so. The voices do not merge; they stand alone in the terzetto. After the final scene the outstanding ensemble received acclamations and standing ovations. The result after 4 hours of Strauß: At the first performance 92 years ago in Dresden the railway put on special trains. This production of the "Rosenkavalier" deserves the same“.
Flensburger Tageblatt, 10.03.03 by Peter A. Kaminsky
SPECIAL MOMENTS WITH SOPRANO - "The Rosenkavalier" shined on the Opera.
„...the persons in their different situations of momentary development become more comprehensible. This was possible with an ensemble of personalities and magnificent voices.
As Lisa Tjalve (Sophie) puts all naturalness into her adolescence - this is as right as when she and Octavian are gamboling as giddy children. When in the final scene the three women with exceptional timbre - but carefully matched sopranos - gave vent to their feelings, it was a wonderful, rare scene ...an example of a completely successful first performance opera event - ending in long lasting ovations“.
Kieler Nachrichten, 10.03.03 by Günter Zschacke
„Theater Lübeck’s "Rosenkavalier" is up to the productions of the great opera houses. The first performance of the opera by R. Strauß was a memorable experience ...Lisa Tjalve mastered her first performance as Sophie brilliantly. Her silvery soprano shined through the three women’s terzetto by the end of the third scene. The mixture of the three differently timbered and carefully matched sopranos made this terzetto the culmination of the evening …against such magnificent voices ...at the end shouts of exultation, bravos and standing ovations to all singers“.
Lübecker Nachrichten, 09.03.03 by Jürgen Feldthof
STRONG ACTING - "Il Barbiere di Siviglia" the opera in the Great House showed the quality of the Ensemble. „Steffen Kubach fully responded to the coyness of Lisa Tjalve, who as Rosina made the highest notes glitter brilliantly“.
Lübecker Stadtzeitung, 25.02.03 by Güz
The New Years concert in Music & Kongress Halle of Lübeck.
„Waltzing into the new music year. The soloists Lisa Tjalve and Mario Diaz contributed to this evening’s success. Lisa Tjalve’s silvery soprano impressed - she carries even in the highest notes her voice with elegancy, assurance and ease. ……the duets with Lisa Tjalve had taste and quality“.
Lübecker Nachrichten, 03.01.03 by Jürgen Feldthof
The Merry Widow: „Zetas spouse, the very proper Valencienne was in good hands with Lisa Tjalve. She sang in all vocal levels a harmonious soprano; added lessons in charm to the title-part singer and danced considerably better than all the other actresses. The best performance was definitely Valencienne“.
www.mittelloge.de, 29.12.02
A succesful introduction to the theatre season:
„In the small Rossini collection Lisa Tjalve proved to be the highlight of the Matinee.
In her Aria as Rosina she shined with flawless heights and perfectly delivered coloratura - her performance in The Barber can be anticipated with pleasure“.
Lübecker Nachrichten, 10.09.02 by Jürgen Feldthof
Theatre Lübeck, "Die Schule der Frauen" von Rolf Liebermann.
„Lisa Tjalve (Agnes) has a wonderful tenderly timbered Soprano - secure in the coloratura and agreeably soft in the lyric passages“.
www.mittelloge.de, 13.01.02 by Hartmut Kühnel
The Operetta "Countess Mariza" by E. Kálmán. „Lisa Tjalve was truly enchanting as the sister“.
Lübecker Nachrichten, 24.12.01 by Wolfgang Tschedne
A succesful joke - "Die Schule der Frauen" by Rolf Liebermann.
„Lisa Tjalve - the new soprano in the Lübeck ensemble was the highlight of the evening. The young singer mastered the difficult part as Agnes without problems, her coloratura is perfect - even in the highest notes she has no difficulties. She is a real asset to the Lübeck Theatre - we look forward to her future roles“.
Lübecker Nachrichten, 30.09.01 by Jürgen Feldthof
Gala in the Lübecker Theatre. „At the end of the Gala the theatre offered another most positive surprise - Lisa Tjalve, new member af the ensemble, presented the extremely difficult Aria "Glitter and be gay" from Leonard Bernstein´s opera Candide - so wonderful that the audience was almost breathless. Perfectly at ease in the highest notes, powerful in tone and interesting in timbre - Lisa Tjalve´s first performance can be anticipated with exitement and pleasure. The audience was very satisfied with this "appetizer" - Applause and Bravo!“
Lübecker Nachrichten, 11.09.01 by Jürgen Feldthof
Pforzheim Stadttheater, West Side Story - „Lisa Tjalve is brilliant and moving as Maria - she is very clever in her distinction between opera and musical. Her appearance is natural and varied“.
Musicals, June/July 2001 by A. Reinhardt
„Lisa Tjalve is a warm, brilliant soprano as Maria, convincing also in her performance as Maria. She offered a gloss achievement“.
Der Enztaler/Wilbader-Tagblatt, 13.06.01 by Dieter Schnabel
„Brent L. Damkier and Lisa Tjalve are brilliantly cast in the main roles as Tony and Maria: They both sing divinely“.
SWR, 05.05.01 by Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Krohn |